
Posts Tagged ‘Linen’

Threads of Separation: Unraveling the Mysteries of Shesh and Shazar

December 7th, 2024 No comments

The terms shesh and shazar hold a unique place in biblical language, rooted in ancient cultural and linguistic traditions. Their usage and meaning reflect a blend of Egyptian influence and Hebrew development, offering insights into the materials and craftsmanship of the Tabernacle.

The word shesh is often associated with both linen and alabaster in biblical texts. Scholars such as Ludwig Köhler and Walter Baumgartner (HALOT), and Nahum Sarna trace its origin to the Egyptian word šs. HALOT notes that šs includes a clothing determinative (a sign that clarifies the meaning of a word), connecting it to dazzling white materials like linen and alabaster. The shared property of brilliant whiteness likely contributed to this dual application. Sarna further emphasizes that shesh in Hebrew, borrowed from šs, denotes cloth of exceptional quality, reinforcing its association with purity and brilliance. read more