Load eBook onto iPad, Nook, or Kindle

January 9th, 2012 Leave a comment Go to comments

How to add epub files from your iPad

The fastest way to get the EPUB onto your iPad is:

1. Open the built-in iPad browser and navigate to the Download link provided in the receipt e-mail you received.

2. Download the file and open it in your preferred application (Adobe Reader works well).

3. To safely disconnect your iPad, for a Mac, open a your Finder window, find your iPad in the DEVICES list and click on the button next to the iPad to eject your iPad. For a PC, click the Start menu and open Computer. Right click the removable disc iPad is on and click Eject.

How to add epub files from your computer to your Barnes & Noble Nook

The Nook ebook reader comes with a USB cable for connecting it to your computer. This enables you to add ebooks that you saved on your computer to your Nook.

1. Connect your Nook to your computer with the USB cord. Your computer will open its “My computer” window and the Nook will be listed as a drive.

2. Click on the Nook drive to open it.

3. Drag and drop or copy and paste epub ebook files saved on your computer into the Nook folder called “My Documents.”

4. On the Nook, go to “My Library” select “View my documents” and select “Check for new content.” Your Nook will then display the new file or files you just added from your computer.

5. Select the new ebook you want to open. Note that an epub file may take a few seconds to load.

6. To safely disconnect your Nook, for a Mac, open a your Finder window, find your Nook in the DEVICES list and click on the button next to the Nook to eject your Nook. For a PC, click the Start menu and open Computer. Right click the removable disc Nook is on and click Eject.

How to add ebooks from your computer to your Kindle

If you subscribe to Amazon.com’s Personal Documents Service, you may download the purchased e-book to your computer and e-mail it to your Personal Documents Service e-mail account. The e-book will be delivered to your device if it is wirelessly connected.

If you do not subscribe to Personal Documents Service, download Talking With God and save to your hard drive. From there you can transfer the file to your Kindle reader via a USB cord.

1. Connect your Kindle to your computer with its USB cord.

2. Your computer will recognize the Kindle as an external drive. If the window for it does not pop up, look for the Kindle in the “My Computer” folder.

3. Click on the Kindle in your computer, and you will see three default folders: Documents, Audible, and Music.

4. Copy and paste or drag and drop the ebook files saved on your computer into the “Documents” folder for the Kindle. Your new ebooks will now appear on the Kindle.

5. To safely disconnect your Kindle, for a Mac, open a your Finder window, find your Kindle in the DEVICES list and click on the button next to the Kindle to eject your Kindle. For a PC, click the Start menu and open Computer. Right click the removable disc Kindle is on and click Eject.

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