God’s Nature, Love and Life After Death (Part 4)
This is the last post of four in response to Donald question:
In your … opinion what and who is God, his nature, his will, his role in the universe, does he “love” us, is there life with him after death, etc.
Life with Him after death
Finally, is there “life with him after death?” Here I can only quote the famous lines in Genesis 3:19: “For dust you are and to dust you shall return.” Once again, this is a matter of reading the words. We may or may not want to accept the fact that there is no heaven and hell in the Four Books, but it does make one pause to reflect.
Now, all is not lost. I do point out on page 309 of the book a possible answer to how all that is laid out in the Bible (according to my interpretation) affects us today. I do attach some importance to that answer.
I don’t know if this answers your question as to what I believe. You must remember that my role in writing Talking With God was to clarify what I think are mistranslated words, leading to gross misunderstanding. I don’t pretend to have all, or many cases, any of the answers.
10Q FOR message.please in simple English tell me how to become a believer i am student but i don”t care anything.
Before I answer your question I would like to know what you are studying? Roger